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We celebrated our 100th Day of School this past week. It is one of my VERY favorite days! I received a few things from Oriental Trading that I wanted to share with you!
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First up.. are these awesome fish scenes with 100 stickers! PERFECT for the 100th day.
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My first graders loved these! Like.. SERIOUSLY loved them!
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Ordering Link: Fish Bowl Sticker Scenes
They have other sticker scenes too for you to check out too!
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Another sticker product from Oriental Trading were these mini smiley faces. I have done these counting mats for several years with stickers but I found these little emoji looking ones this year that were perfect.
They are perfect because they have exactly 100 stickers on a sheet (with 10 different faces!) so they are PERFECT for the counting mats.
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Ordering Link: Mini Smiley Face Stickers
Oriental has a HUGE sticker selection that are great for teachers!
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I also got a few “gifts” for my students that I gave out at the end of the day. These dog tag type necklaces were a hit and they are still wearing them!
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And, every kid in the world loves a slap bracelet.. right?!?
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These were fun and a bit hit too!
Ordering Link: 100th Day of Fun Products
Disclaimer: Oriental Trading is seriously one of my favorite resources for my classroom. They do send me items for promotion in exchange for a blog post/review. However, I truly am happy with these products and I am glad to tell my teacher friends all about their products.